When people hear the term healthy, they usually focus on physical stuff such as low cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, diabetes. But being healthy is not just being physically fit it also includes if the individual is mentally and emotionally fit. Unfortunately, countless people suffer from mental health problems that are just as deadly as physical problems. To understand the importance of mental health first we need to understand what does it mean.

These all affect our mental health to great extents and that is the reason why we need to take help of psychologists, councilors, social helpers or maybe just talk to our loved ones because having bad mental health can not just be harmful to us but for everyone around us too. For example, depression is an ignored but dangerous illness if not cured, long term depression can lead to further mental as well as physical illness, can cause the victim to have maniac episodes, suicidal thoughts urge to self-harm, remove their problems perhaps murdering the ones troubling them sometimes too, destruction, isolation, and much more.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that 16.2 million U.S. adults had at least one major depressive episode in 2016. This represents 6.7 percent of the U.S. adult population. It is calculated that the ratio of a mental health professional helper to the public is 1 to 40,000 people. So it is high time that we need more people in this field of profession. By all this, we understand that it is very important that we take care of our mental health at an initial stage before it turns out that we r also boarding the train to depression. Staying mentally healthy helps us face challenges, stresses, make better decisions, cope better with sudden changes and setbacks which life throws at us. It also prepares us to be more efficient. To take care of your mental health initially one must know how to control anger, eat and sleep properly, do physical activities, meditate, pursue the hobbies that make them feel happy, socialize, find joy in small things and learn to appreciate life, never shy away to get help if you feel like that you need it because
“just because no one can heal or do your inner work for you, does not mean you can, should or need to do it alone” ~ Lisa Olivers