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  • Anger and it’s ill effects

    by Aparajita Jaiswal Anger and it’s ill effects 1 June 2021 LIFESTYLE Advertisement Anger, Setting You and Your Health at War. An insight into the effects of poorly managed anger upon mental and physical health. Anger, warmth, rage, aggression, something every human is acquainted with. People usually have many tales to narrate, either about themselves or about situations that went worse in a fit of anger. Anger is one of the emotions among the ocean of emotions that every human being deals with every single day. The personality of a person depends upon how he responds to his emotions, the way in which anger is managed to play a major part role. Like everything else in the world, anger has both the positives and the negatives, YET THE ILL EFFECTS OF ANGER ARE MORE EVIDENTLY KNOWN AND SEEN. If you are someone prone to losing temper, here’s why you need to stay calm. Anger, to a limited extent, is good and proves to be beneficial. It helps people think rationally and is a source of motivation for some of the people out there. The general fact is, anger can be good for you if addressed quickly and expressed in a healthy way. In reality, more often than not, anger proves to be hazardous and the ill effects of anger weigh a lot more than its positive effects. Anger does not just affect you but adversely affects the people around you as well. The unhealthy episodes of anger, when held for considerably longer periods, usually ends up as an explosion in rage and can wreak havoc on your body. Anger is a powerful emotion and thus has destructive effects when not handled appropriately. The underlying cause of such havoc lies in the fact that anger triggers the body’s “fight or flight” hormone, i.e., adrenal glands flood the blood with stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. The brain consequently shunts blood away from the gut and towards the muscles as preparation for physical exertion. Thus, the heart rate, blood pressure and respiration increase. Skin perspires and body temperature also increases. This creates an image of a person in a fit of rage. An angry person is so rightly animated in cartoons or comics as someone who is grinding teeth, tightening arms with closed fists and fire used symbolizes the rise of temperature within and around the individual. The constant flow of stress hormones and the metabolic changes associated with seven major health issues that arise out of uncontrolled anger that one needs to know: Frequent outbursts put your heart at great risk: In words of Chris Aiken, MD, an instructor in clinical psychiatry at the wake Forest University School of Medicine and director of the Mood Treatment Center in Winston Salem, “In the two hours after an angry outburst, the chance of having a heart attack doubles.” “Repressed anger – where you express it indirectly or go to great lengths to control it, is associated with heart disease” Dr Aiken adds. Increases the stroke risk: If you’re prone to outburst, beware. A study suggests that the risk of a stroke from a blood clot to the brain or bleeding within the brain during the two hours after an outburst. Furthermore, the arteries of the brain are prone to six times higher risk of such bleeding. Weakens the immune system: The state of mind undoubtedly has a behavioral impact. If you are mad all the time, there is an obvious chance that you feel sick always. A fit of anger causes a dip in levels of the antibodies. Anxiety: Anxiety and anger go hand in hand. In a study carried out in 2021, researchers found that anger can exacerbate symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder characterized by an excessive and uncontrolled worry affecting an individual’s daily life. Depression: Anger in its elevated state, becomes a cause of self-destruction and adversely affects your loved ones as well and such destruction obviously becomes a cause of depression. Numerous studies have linked depression with aggression and angry outbursts. Effects on the lungs: Even if you aren’t a smoker, you can still hurt your lungs if you’re perpetually angry and a hostile person. Anger can shorten your life span: Scary, isn’t it? The fact that happy people live longer is really true. With anger, comes stress and stress is in every way harmful. The key to save yourself from such huge havoc and safeguard your health is to learn to appropriately express anger. The key to begin is to try and start calming yourself down. In case you find a difficult to deal with negative emotions or expressing anger, therapy and counseling will always help. Assertive communication, effective problem solving, using humor, or restricting your thoughts to get away from that black-and-white, all-or-nothing thinking are good ways to get over anger. Getting yourself involved in the activities that interest you so much and make you happy proves to be an effective measure as well. SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Unveiling the Myth: Does Pretty Privilege Truly Exist 17 April 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma How Do Some People Not Get Acne No Matter What 15 April 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kate Middleton’s Story Has Only Gotten Worse With Time 18 March 2024 LIFESTYLE By Rini Pathak The Skill Of Ageing Gracefully: Secrets From The Land Of Longevity 17 March 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • Ankita Malik: Empowering Change And Embracing Authenticity

    by Akshra Khandelwal Ankita Malik: Empowering Change And Embracing Authenticity 27 August 2023 LIFESTYLE Advertisement Ankita Malik, a renowned fitness influencer, has taken the digital world by storm with her passion for wellness and genuine approach to content creation. In this exclusive interview, we delve into Ankita's journey as an influencer, the challenges she has faced, and her aspirations for the future. The Journey of Empowerment Ankita's journey as an influencer has been nothing short of remarkable. With a genuine desire to empower and inspire others, Ankita's content creation process revolves around setting clear goals for her content. Whether it's educating her audience about fitness techniques, entertaining them with engaging workouts, inspiring them with her personal journey, or promoting products she believes in, Ankita ensures her content serves a purpose and creates a positive impact. Navigating Challenges with Authenticity As a fitness influencer, Ankita faced the challenge of maintaining authenticity in an industry that often promotes perfection. However, Ankita tackled this challenge head-on by being transparent about her fitness journey. She fearlessly shares her successes and setbacks, allowing her audience to relate to her on a personal level. This authenticity has not only garnered trust but has also created a supportive and encouraging community around Ankita's brand. Relationship Advice from the Heart Beyond fitness, Ankita is passionate about sharing valuable relationship advice. Drawing from her own experiences with her husband, Manav, Ankita emphasizes the importance of open and honest communication in any relationship. She believes that a healthy partnership should allow both individuals to grow and flourish while supporting each other's aspirations. Being each other's cheerleader, according to Ankita, is the secret to a strong and thriving relationship. The Thrill of Making a Difference What excites Ankita the most as an influencer is the knowledge that her content is making a positive impact on her audience. Each day, she receives countless direct messages from followers expressing how she has influenced their lives for the better. This heartwarming feedback is both exciting and motivating for Ankita, reinforcing her dedication to empowering others on their fitness journeys. Fitness Preference: Lifting vs. Cardio When it comes to her fitness routine, Ankita is an ardent fan of lifting weights. She dispels the myth that lifting weights will make women look masculine, emphasizing that weightlifting is essential for increasing muscle mass, strength, and overall health. Her personal experience reflects the countless benefits of weightlifting, from an active mind to reduced joint pains in the long run. Tips for Aspiring Influencers To aspiring influencers looking to grow their online presence, Ankita offers valuable advice. Be authentic in your content and interactions, as genuine connections with your audience are key to building trust and loyalty. Engage with your followers through comments and direct messages, and always take the time to respond to their questions and messages. Most importantly, have patience, as building a strong presence and community takes time and dedication. Future Goals and Ambitions Looking ahead, Ankita's goals are both ambitious and inspiring. In the short term, she aims to expand her influence in the fitness and wellness space, continuing to motivate others to adopt healthier lifestyles through her content. As a long-term vision, Ankita aspires to create a positive impact on a larger scale. She envisions launching her own platform dedicated to providing personalized fitness and nutrition guidance, making wellness accessible to people from all walks of life. Ankita aims to be a part of a powerful movement that inspires a healthier world. Ankita Malik's journey as an influencer is characterized by authenticity, passion, and a relentless dedication to empowering others. Through her fitness expertise and genuine approach, she continues to inspire and make a significant difference in the lives of her followers. As Ankita's journey evolves, her vision of a healthier and happier world grows stronger, igniting hope and determination in the hearts of many. SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Unveiling the Myth: Does Pretty Privilege Truly Exist 17 April 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma How Do Some People Not Get Acne No Matter What 15 April 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kate Middleton’s Story Has Only Gotten Worse With Time 18 March 2024 LIFESTYLE By Rini Pathak The Skill Of Ageing Gracefully: Secrets From The Land Of Longevity 17 March 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • The orientation of career in our country

    by Aparajita Jaiswal The orientation of career in our country 1 June 2021 SOCIETY Advertisement Advertisement Why does India wish to be a Two faction system? Doctors and engineers. Indian society as is known to most of us shows complete dominance over the personal choices of individuals such as career choice, mental health, marriage decision, what should be done or not, opinions and whatnot. The preliminary infusion of career choice in our country is only limited to two professions. Either be a doctor or become an engineer, only then can a person’s life commemorate a moment of success. Although, in this case, we cannot blame the older generation or our ancestors for instilling us with this faction system. If we go back three decades, we could see that there were no such pressures on children to choose out of such choices. The primary reason was that at that time the financial condition of most people used to be very mediocre. They could barely manage the education and livelihood of their family. Thus noble professions such as being a doctor or engineer were a luxury then. The people chose the profession according to the status of their family. So, this economic issue was one of the barriers in earlier times to go for their dream path. The other reason that crippled people from going towards their dream job is nepotism. The notion that children should follow their parents footpath. These issues still stay in society on the metaphorical level. The point here is to understand that even though society is adamant in pressurizing people to change their choices, initially it had some valid and credible reasons as given above. Nepotism is wrong but anyhow the career path is for betterment. The economic reason however is the fault of the other consequences. These two things, although unfair, seem credible. But the fact that only two professions in the whole herd of it can make life successful is so wrong. The two faction system came into existence a decade back where industrialization seemed to uplift the job scale of engineers. Whereas the recent developments in medical sciences lured students to help save some lives. In the initial phase, it was okay, but then students flooded in for enrolling. This created issues for institutions as they had limited numbers of seats. This prompted the creation of a competitive examination. Some time period went smoothly after this. But later on, there was this race to clear these competitive exams to get admissions, which still prevails to this very day. This created a new Industry for the economy, the industry of coaching classes. The situation is such in the country now that everyone only talks about these two exams which either lead to a career in the medical field or the technical field. This has led to the lynching of other careers. In case anyone doesn’t go ahead on these two so-called noble professions, then they are expected to pursue civil services. These are the frameworks that society has lined up for careers, anyone going beyond this threshold value is stupid according to society. The reason is so uncertain for those activities, was it because earlier times they couldn’t pursue medical or engineering, is it because you want your child to leave their dream to pursue something that would make it socially acceptable, is it because you want to keep your dominion over your child all their lives, the reason is unknown. But one thing is sure that those two professions are not your only choices. it also should be known that those two entrances also work at some places to get a better bachelors college. They are not just tickets to medical or engineering. This hidden thing no one knows. No one knows that our country’s research institute also invite people from higher secondary into a BS-MS program. Everyone just gets dejected and chooses a local college for bachelors, and even after that, this doesn’t end. There is no proper cycling up of information regarding plans, masters entrances, etc. This shows that as a country we are not providing our youth with enough information but subjecting them to a bundle of discretion. Many youtube channels have started speaking about this, but as a society, we need to break out of these two factions. We have to understand the happiness of our children, one can paint, write, talk or dance as a career there should not be any indulgence. Even if people go for other professions equal respect should be paid to everyone. It must be known that diversity is the only thing that holds fast throughout all time, a faction system fails when catastrophe comes from all sides. Thus, be aware and make everyone aware. You have the potential to become whatever you want. SEARCH Women Empowerment A mere concept or a real Concern SOCIETY Looking Through The Excellence Of ‘Jaali’ Architecture SOCIETY Why the Gender Pay Gap is Wide and Disturbing SOCIETY Festival of Stones SOCIETY The Pygmalion Effect SOCIETY POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Rini Pathak A Glance In The Kshitij’23: A Euphoric Escapade 26 January 2024 SOCIETY By Rini Pathak Mithibai Kshitij: Epitome Of Diverse Social Cause Empowerment 24 January 2024 SOCIETY By Rini Pathak Breaking Barrier And Redefining Inclusivity Conduct Of Para Events: Shaping Of A Better Future By Mithibai Kshitij 19 January 2024 SOCIETY by Mudita Bagla Divorce - Not A Big Deal 24 January 2023 SOCIETY RELATED POSTS

  • Most Colorful Cities In The World - why you should visit them?

    by Priti Sharma Most Colorful Cities In The World - why you should visit them? 16 February 2023 TRAVEL Advertisement Advertisement Color makes life better, and travelers may discover the world's most colorful locations while traveling. The world's most vibrant sites may be found in busy metropolises and unspoiled natural settings. International cities greet tourists with a dash of color, creating fantastic picture opportunities and vistas, from unique mural artwork to the brilliant colors of skyscrapers. What attributes make a city beautiful? It relies on a number of variables, including the environment, architectural style, cleanliness, tranquility, and population. Additionally essential to a city's remarkable beauty are the colors. The eight cities with the most color in the world are listed below. 1. Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada: The oldest incorporated city in Canada dates back to 1785 and is located in the province of New Brunswick. Saint John City is well known for its downtown row houses that are painted in vibrant colors. It is one of the city's most well-liked tourist destinations. Jellybean Row refers to the row of colorful homes in Saint John's downtown. According to legend, residents of Saint John's used to paint their homes in vivid hues to maintain their attractiveness even during foggy conditions. Every house on the street is painted a different color, as you can see. Your trip on the city's walking tour will undoubtedly be one you never forget. 2. Chefchaouen, Morocco: Due to its isolation, the Blue City of Morocco has been cut off from the outside world for over a millennium. But why is it that color? Depending on who you ask, there are several explanations for why the Moroccan town of Chefchaouen is blue. Some claim that it is because of Jewish mysticism, while others assert that the blue tones are a naturally occurring mosquito repellant since they are found in the hills where the town was established. Chefchaouen is one of the world's most colorful towns, regardless of why it is blue. 3. Bo-Kaap, Cape Town, South Africa: Bo-Kaap in Cape Town has a vivid past. The Dutch brought many slaves to Cape Town throughout the 16th and 17th centuries from Malaysia, Indonesia, and various African nations. The enslaved were referred to as "Cape Malays." Several homes were constructed in this region in about 1760 and leased to the slaves. Later, the former slaves acquired the homes and painted them in vivid hues to symbolize their joy and liberation. Cape Town's Bo-Kaap neighborhood is situated at the base of Signal Hill and is rich in history and color. This residential neighborhood is well known for its vividly colored homes and winding pathways made of cobblestones. These residences showcase a fusion of Georgian and Dutch architectural designs. 4. Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India: The second-largest city in Rajasthan, India, is Jodhpur, popularly referred to as "The Blue City." The vibrant blue-washed homes in the old town are the source of the city's name. India was decades ahead of Morocco from one blue town to the next, despite the fact that Jodhpur's blue colors had a less than happy history. Electric blue buildings were historically designated for the "higher classes" and were originally painted as a part of the caste system. The custom, however, gradually spread across the town, turning the ruins of the cobalt buildings into a genuine tourist destination as well as a useful remedy for the oppressive heat. 5. Willemstad, Curacao The capital city of Curacao, Willemstad, is renowned for being a city with a rich cultural legacy. Rich in history, both public and private structures exhibit vibrant and often very beautiful architecture. In fact, the city is home to 750 vibrant structures in all. Historic structures may be found throughout Willemstad, many of which are notable for their use of Dutch architectural design. These beautiful, colorful structures, which date to the 17th century, draw hundreds of visitors each year. 6. Burano, Venice, Italy: Burano's multicoloured mansions have an intriguing truth. In the past, Burano's primary source of revenue was fishing. The fisherman had trouble identifying their cottages throughout the winter due to the dense fog. So they made the decision to paint their homes a variety of hues. The coloring custom in Burano is thought to have begun as a result of this occurrence. Today, you can notice that Burano's houses have a specific color scheme. In Burano, there is a clearly laid out procedure for painting homes. Let's say you live in the village and enjoy painting your house. Sending the government a formal request should be your first step. They will notify you which color you are permitted to paint your home. Interesting right? 7. Busan, South Korea The Gamcheon cultural hamlet is the main reason to place Busan at the top of your bucket list for Korea, despite the fact that it nearly often takes a back seat to Seoul. One of the most "Instagrammable" locations on the Korean peninsula, and maybe the whole globe, is a hillside covered in vibrant dwellings that people frequently compare to stacked legos. If this is on your trip wish list, you must visit it. 8. Santorini, Greece: Two colors are likely to spring to mind when you think of the Greek island of Santorini: white, which is the color of many buildings' walls, and blue, which also serves as the color of the island's dazzling Ionian Sea and many of its roofs. The city of Oia's building facades really contain a variety of other hues, but because the blues and whites are so striking, it's simple to get distracted by them. Take your photos on a clear day at dusk, when the prismatic sky sheds its brilliant light over the darkening metropolis, to fully enjoy Oia's beautiful rainbow. These were a handful of the ones we chose, and we're confident they'll make you grin. Make it a point to visit these locations, and prepare to be surrounded by every color of the rainbow. Happy vacation! SEARCH 7 Abandoned Cities In India And Abroad That Are Too Beautiful To Be Forgotten TRAVEL Blue Lagoon – Iceland TRAVEL Palm Islands TRAVEL WORLD PEACE DOME TRAVEL Blood Falls In Antarctica: Explained TRAVEL POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Lakshadweep Is A Heaven In Disguise And Here Is Why 3 April 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma If Uzbekistan Isn’t On Your Travel List, Here Is Exactly Why It Should Be 21 March 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma The Fashion Capitals Of Asia: Exploring Style Beyond Borders 19 March 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma The Best Countries You Should Visit With A Budget Of Less Than A Lakh Rupees 3 March 2024 TRAVEL RELATED POSTS

  • Lakshadweep Is A Heaven In Disguise And Here Is Why

    By Anushka Sharma Lakshadweep Is A Heaven In Disguise And Here Is Why 3 April 2024 TRAVEL Advertisement Advertisement Hey there, island explorers! Ever heard of Lakshadweep? It's like a hidden treasure chest in the Indian Ocean, full of amazing surprises! Picture this: turquoise waters, colorful coral reefs, and sandy beaches that feel like fluffy pillows for your feet. Lakshadweep is not just one island, but a whole bunch of them – 36 to be exact! Each one has its own special vibe, like having a different flavor of ice cream every day. So, what makes Lakshadweep so special? Let's start with the beaches. Oh, the beaches! With their soft, white sand and crystal-clear waters, they're like something out of a postcard. Whether you're a beach bum who loves to laze in the sun or a water baby who can't wait to dive into the waves, Lakshadweep has a beach for you. But it's not just about sunbathing and swimming – although those are definitely two of the main attractions. Lakshadweep is also a mecca for water sports enthusiasts. From snorkeling and scuba diving to kayaking and windsurfing, there's no shortage of adrenaline-pumping activities to try. Let's talk about snorkeling, shall we? Strap on your mask and flippers and get ready to dive into a world of wonder beneath the waves. The coral reefs around Lakshadweep are teeming with life – colorful fish, graceful sea turtles, and even the occasional dolphin or whale shark if you're lucky! It's like swimming in a giant aquarium, except you're part of the show. And speaking of coral reefs, did you know that Lakshadweep is known as the Coral Islands? That's because it's home to some of the most beautiful coral formations in the world. As you explore the underwater wonderland, you'll be amazed by the vibrant colors and intricate shapes of the coral gardens that stretch as far as the eye can see. But Lakshadweep isn't just about what's under the sea – it's also about what's on land. The islands are home to a rich diversity of flora and fauna, from towering coconut palms to exotic birds and butterflies. And let's not forget about the friendly locals, who are always eager to share their island paradise with visitors. One of the best things about Lakshadweep is that it's still relatively undiscovered. Unlike some other tourist hotspots, you won't find crowded beaches or overdeveloped resorts here. Instead, you'll have plenty of space to roam free and soak up the natural beauty of the islands. So, whether you're looking for adventure, relaxation, or a little bit of both, Lakshadweep has something for everyone. Pack your bags, grab your sunscreen, and get ready for the trip of a lifetime. Paradise awaits! SEARCH 7 Abandoned Cities In India And Abroad That Are Too Beautiful To Be Forgotten TRAVEL Blue Lagoon – Iceland TRAVEL Palm Islands TRAVEL WORLD PEACE DOME TRAVEL Blood Falls In Antarctica: Explained TRAVEL POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Lakshadweep Is A Heaven In Disguise And Here Is Why 3 April 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma If Uzbekistan Isn’t On Your Travel List, Here Is Exactly Why It Should Be 21 March 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma The Fashion Capitals Of Asia: Exploring Style Beyond Borders 19 March 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma The Best Countries You Should Visit With A Budget Of Less Than A Lakh Rupees 3 March 2024 TRAVEL RELATED POSTS

  • Capturing Moments And Unfolding Creativity With Flexcam In The Galaxy Z Series

    by Akshra Khandelwal Capturing Moments And Unfolding Creativity With Flexcam In The Galaxy Z Series 17 August 2023 LIFESTYLE Advertisement In a world driven by technological innovation, Samsung continues to stand at the forefront of change, reshaping the landscape of smartphones with its fifth-generation Galaxy foldable: the Galaxy Z Flip5 and Galaxy Z Fold5. These remarkable devices, unveiled on July 26, 2023, bring forth a new era of flexible design, unparalleled camera capabilities, and unrivalled performance. As President and Head of the Mobile Experience Business at Samsung Electronics, TM Roh aptly puts it, "Galaxy Z Flip5 and Galaxy Z Fold5 are the latest devices that prove our commitment to meeting the needs of our customers through innovative technology." With an unwavering commitment to redefining the mobile experience, Samsung has again raised the bar with its latest foldable offerings. The Galaxy Z Flip5 and Galaxy Z Fold5 showcase an innovative form factor that marries sleek design with unrivalled functionality. The introduction of the new Flex Hinge is nothing short of a game-changer. This advanced hinge enables seamless folding and unfolding and enhances the structural integrity of the devices, promising durability that meets the expectations of modern consumers. The Galaxy Z series elevates smartphone photography to new heights with its cutting-edge camera technologies. The introduction of FlexCam is a testament to Samsung's commitment to pushing boundaries. FlexCam empowers users to capture breathtaking photos from creative angles, allowing for previously unattainable self-expression. Whether it's stunning selfies or hands-free shots, the Galaxy Z Flip5 and Galaxy Z Fold5 are the ultimate tools for visual storytelling. One of the standout features of the Galaxy Z Flip5 is the newly expanded Flex Window. With an impressive size increase of 3.78 times compared to its predecessor, the Flex Window offers a canvas for customization like never before. Users can now enjoy a range of informative and graphical clocks that seamlessly integrate with their Galaxy Watch6 series, adding a touch of personalization to their everyday lives. Adding the Flipsuit Case takes personalization to the next level, allowing users to match their Flex Window design with their chosen case, creating a harmonious and unique aesthetic. The Galaxy Z Flip5 and Galaxy Z Fold also deliver a user-friendly experience even when closed. The Flex Window allows quick access to essential information and widgets, enabling users to stay connected and informed without needing to unfold the device entirely. From weather updates to music control and even financial updates, the Flex Window acts as a gateway to efficient multitasking, all from the palm of your hand. For those seeking the ultimate productivity powerhouse, the Galaxy Z Fold5 offers an immersive experience that blends innovation with functionality. The expansive 7.6-inch Main Screen provides ample space for work, entertainment, and creativity, making it a versatile tool for on-the-go productivity. The enhanced Taskbar and improved two-handed drag-and-drop functionality further streamline multitasking, allowing users to transition between apps and tasks effortlessly. Additionally, including the S Pen Fold Edition enhances the creative and productive capabilities of the Galaxy Z Fold5. With a slimmer and more compact design, the S Pen Fold Edition is always within reach, making real-time annotating and creativity a breeze. Beyond innovation, Samsung demonstrates its commitment to sustainability with the Galaxy Z Flip5 and Galaxy Z Fold5. Both devices incorporate a more comprehensive range of recycled materials, contributing to the company's environmental vision and goals. Moreover, Samsung's dedication to longevity is evident in its promise of five years of security updates and four generations of OS upgrades for each device, extending its lifecycle and reducing e-waste. As technology continues to reshape our lives, Samsung's Galaxy Z Flip5 and Galaxy Z Fold5 stand as beacons of innovation, pushing the boundaries of what a smartphone can achieve. With their flexible designs, powerful performance, and commitment to sustainability, these devices mark a new era in mobile technology. The Galaxy Z series exemplifies Samsung's unwavering dedication to meeting the ever-evolving needs of consumers, proving that flexibility and versatility need not come at the cost of compromise. The Galaxy Z Flip5 and Galaxy Z Fold5 are available for pre-order in select markets from July 26, with general availability starting August 11. Whether it's the compact self-expression tool of the Galaxy Z Flip5 or the productivity powerhouse of the Galaxy Z Fold5, Samsung's latest offerings promise to redefine how we interact with our smartphones, bridging the gap between innovation and everyday life. SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Unveiling the Myth: Does Pretty Privilege Truly Exist 17 April 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma How Do Some People Not Get Acne No Matter What 15 April 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kate Middleton’s Story Has Only Gotten Worse With Time 18 March 2024 LIFESTYLE By Rini Pathak The Skill Of Ageing Gracefully: Secrets From The Land Of Longevity 17 March 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • A Candid Conversation With The Fashion Maven: Swati Vatssa

    by Akshra Khandelwal A Candid Conversation With The Fashion Maven: Swati Vatssa 26 August 2023 LIFESTYLE Advertisement In the realm of social media, where countless influencers vie for attention, there are some shining stars who manage to stand out effortlessly. Swati Vatssa, an esteemed fashion influencer, is one such luminary whose creative prowess and authenticity have garnered her a massive audience. In this exclusive interview, Swati takes us on a journey through her influencer life, sharing valuable insights and advice for aspiring creators. "How are you, and how is everything going on in your life?" Swati responds with enthusiasm, "I am doing very well, feeling aligned with myself and the future I envision. It's a great phase where I am working with my dream brands, and the creative juices are flowing like they should." This positivity sets the tone for an inspiring tale of success. Swati's influencer journey began unconventionally, as she candidly admits, "I never planned on becoming an influencer." Initially, she moved to Mumbai as a stylist and model, and her expressive nature drew her to acting. This background equipped her with a keen eye for detail and an innate understanding of aesthetics, which later proved invaluable in her content creation. The turning point came during the pandemic when brands reached out to her for content creation. Her extensive experience on sets as an actor and model allowed her to infuse creativity into her content, which resonated with her growing audience. Today, Swati finds herself collaborating with her favorite brands and inspiring people globally. "My favorite type of content to create is fashion as it comes naturally to me," Swati declares. Her journey as a fashion design student, stylist, and model instilled her with an instinctive sense of camera angles, moods, and concepts. When working with brands, she seamlessly merges their aesthetics with her personality, resulting in authentic and effortless content. The Secret Sauce to Success Curious about her impressive following, we ask Swati the secret behind her massive audience. With a smile, she reveals, "The only secret is to be true to who you are." Swati firmly believes in embracing one's uniqueness, steering away from trends, and showcasing individuality. "We all have had our own upbringing, experiences, and tastes," she explains, "and it's important to bring that out in our content." "What are the three things you cannot leave 'home' without?" we inquire. Swati's answer is succinct, "My phone, lip balm, and mint." It's the little things that add up to make a big difference in her daily life. As a fashion maven, Swati's eyes sparkle when asked about styling a celebrity for a red carpet event. Without hesitation, she chooses Jennifer Lopez, praising her oomph and power. For this diva, Swati envisions a super sexy outfit with long slits and minimal detailing. "An outfit should never overpower you; it should only enhance your personality. Less is more!" she exclaims. Addressing aspiring creators, Swati shares her pearls of wisdom: "In a world where people follow trends and fear stepping out of the herd, be the change!" She encourages everyone to embrace their true passions and tell their stories uniquely. "The world will adjust," she confidently asserts. We conclude our conversation by asking Swati for her message to the world. "Have high standards and higher focus! And just have fun while you reach your goals; it's all about the journey, honey!" she proclaims. Her infectious positivity and determination leave a lasting impression. Swati Vatssa's journey from a model and actor to a revered fashion influencer is a testament to the power of authenticity and creativity. Her love for fashion, coupled with an unwavering belief in being true to oneself, has catapulted her to influence and inspire countless individuals. Aspiring creators can learn valuable lessons from Swati's story: dare to be different, embrace individuality, and have fun on the journey to success. Swati Vatssa is a living embodiment of how passion, dedication, and uniqueness can lead to a thriving influencer career. SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Unveiling the Myth: Does Pretty Privilege Truly Exist 17 April 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma How Do Some People Not Get Acne No Matter What 15 April 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kate Middleton’s Story Has Only Gotten Worse With Time 18 March 2024 LIFESTYLE By Rini Pathak The Skill Of Ageing Gracefully: Secrets From The Land Of Longevity 17 March 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • Veganism On The Rise: What You Need To Know

    by Rupashree Ravi Veganism On The Rise: What You Need To Know 3 August 2022 LIFESTYLE Advertisement Veganism has been a growing movement in many countries for a long time now. As it is slowly entering the mainstream ways of living and becoming more common, research on vegan diets and lifestyles is being done to know more about their benefits as well as their risks. Today, an increasing number of families and teens are turning vegan due to health, animal welfare, and environmental reasons. But whatever the reason may be, it is important to take a look at your physical requirements and personal beliefs before you begin. “Being vegan can mean different choices for different people. For some, it is a strict dietary choice while for others it is a compassionate lifestyle.” Traditional Indian dishes are usually vegan; meat and dairy-free Made up of only plant-based products, a vegan diet avoids everything animal food-related, including products and by-products like meat, dairy, eggs, and honey. They are low in saturated fats and rich in nutrients. Its health benefits include stabilizing weight, enhancing the heart, reducing the risk of diabetes, and defending against cancer. If planned well, a vegan diet can provide a wide range of essential vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and protein as well. On the other hand, those who incorporate a strict vegan lifestyle do not use any kind of animal product in any form, be it fabric or fashion. They eliminate using or wearing silk, wool, leather, fur, and even soaps or cosmetics made out of animal products. People who are mindful of a sustainable environment usually follow this kind of lifestyle. When it comes to veganism, people follow it to different extents. A number of vegans go for the healthiest alternatives in their diet. In a typical Indian household, dairy products like ghee, paneer, yogurt, etc. which are high in calcium, are consumed on a regular basis. To switch them to vegan alternatives, one can go for non-dairy products like tofu, chickpeas, broccoli, and lentils, which are plant sources of calcium. Lentils are also a great source of vegan protein. Some studies suggest that vegans have the lowest intake of calcium. To tackle this, many alterna-milks like soy milk and almond milk, which are fortified with calcium and vitamin D can be consumed. Moreover, adding plenty of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds to your diet will provide important vitamins and minerals. Plant-based milks and a plethora of fruits and veggies that are high in protein, calcium, and fibre are consumed There is also a thin line between veganism and vegetarianism. Veganism is seen as a stricter form of vegetarianism and more of a lifestyle movement than a dietary one. It’s important to know that while a vegan diet is healthy overall, with benefits like lowering cholesterol and blood pressure among many, it comes with the risks of short-changing you on a few nutrients like Vitamin B12, which is found only in animal products. You may need a supplement to make up for what you don't get from your diet. You can start slow by following trends like Veganuary, where you can go vegan for a month. Or go vegetarian and then slowly move on to a vegan diet. Look up healthier alternatives to meat and dairy and follow a balanced diet. If you are morally passionate about the environment and animal welfare, live a vegan lifestyle by shopping for vegan clothing retailers. You can be a part of the movement in small, but significant ways. In the end, make your call towards an alternative way of living. #Veganism #Vegan #HealthyLifestyle #VeganDiet #Fitness SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Unveiling the Myth: Does Pretty Privilege Truly Exist 17 April 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma How Do Some People Not Get Acne No Matter What 15 April 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kate Middleton’s Story Has Only Gotten Worse With Time 18 March 2024 LIFESTYLE By Rini Pathak The Skill Of Ageing Gracefully: Secrets From The Land Of Longevity 17 March 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement


    by Akash Khatri THE XXXVI ENTRÉE 7 July 2022 FOOD Advertisement Advertisement An avid foodie? Someone who wouldn’t mind non veg for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Then wazwan is your one stop. So catch the next flight and head to the Switzerland of India, the spectacular valley of Srinagar and walk in a wedding or celebration. I promise you that the natives will be more than happy to serve you. The Vale of Kashmir has been attracting people from different corners of the world not only for its charm, beauty and tranquillity but also for its mouth-watering, delicious and spicy dishes and cuisines. The hidden secret lies in the variety of hot spices like cardamom, ginger, fennel seeds, cinnamon, black cumin and so on. They are popular because of their appealing flavour, texture, and palatability characteristics. They form an inextricable part of Kashmiri culture. The names of the dishes and their bountiful, spice-rich sauces tell us a long history of influences. The infusion of tradition and culture lead to a beautiful amalgamation of dishes. The methods of cooking are borrowed and mixed Iranian, Afghan and Central Asian practices. Wazwan (Kashmiri: وازِوان) is a multi-course meal in Kashmiri cuisine, the preparation of which is considered as an art and a point of pride in Kashmiri culture and identity. Almost all the dishes are meat-based using lamb or chicken with a few vegetarian dishes. Recently, Wazwan is also served internationally at Kashmiri food festivals and reunions. From wedding celebrations to memorials commemorating the 40th day after a family member’s death, the wazwan feast forms an integral part of family gatherings in Kashmir and leaves a person mouth-watered if sniffed from a distance. The credit for popularizing wazwan dishes goes to Persian and Sanskrit immigrants. The word wazwan is derived from two words, ‘Waze’ means a Cook and ‘Wan’ means a place where the cook cooks. The origin of the term has also been derived from a Persian word, ashpaaz, which means a special cook proficient in making soups, and with the passage of time the term became “Waza”. Wazwan is an art and is learnt through heredity only. It is rarely passed on to other persons outside the clan. It is an integral part of the Kashmiri culture and heritage. The availability of the Waza determines the marriage schedule of weddings. A week or two before the function or ceremony chief cook is hired to discuss the quantity and quality of rice, meat, spices, chicken, vegetables and other items of cookery. The whole wazwan is cooked on wuri, firewood stove-train, in large and small copper cauldrons, locally called Daeg and Degchi. It consists of thirty-six meals, fifteen preparations of meat are cooked overnight under the guidance of a head chef called Vast Waza who is assisted by other cooks. The basic prerequisite of a wazwan is that freshly slaughtered meat is used for its preparation. It also contains a lot of dry fruits and spices which are freshly homemade. The red colour is usually derived from either the Kashmiri chillies or Cockscomb flower called Mawal. The feast is so opulent that each platter customarily gets piled with 8 to 13 pounds of meat and can take more than two hours to eat. Waste is out of the question. Many wazwans end with doggy bags and guests angling to take away more of their favourite dishes. The process of serving begins with washing hands of guests by providing water to them by a copper jug and a basin, called Tash Naer. After that, Dastarkhan, Table Cloth is spread on the floor which serves as a sanitary surface for food and groups of four people sit around it. A sizeable circular dish, traem, with a mound of rice with different varieties of wazwan on it is served to each group. Then, Waze takes rounds with copper cauldrons and a ladle to serve the additional dishes one by one. Meanwhile alongside, salad, curd, water and soft drinks, and pulao are served. Along with these dishes curd, pickle and chutney made of walnut, onion, pumpkin, radish etc. are served in small pots. They say variety is the seasoning of life. Some of the main dishes of this extravaganza spread are: Rista These are meatballs served in fiery red gravy. Each Traem consists of 4 Ristas one for each person. They are made by boneless meat which is smoothened on a wooden mallet and often have meat fat which is added while the meat is smoothened. The perfection requires extraordinary skill Lahabi kabab or Moachi kabab Succulent skewered lamb kebabs which are flattened, given diamond-shaped and cooked in spices and yoghurt. Waza kokur (two halves or two full chicken cooked whole) Daeni phoul (mutton dish) Doudha ras (mutton cooked in sweet milk gravy) Rogan josh Lamb which is marinated at least 2 hours before is cooked in oil and Kashmiri spices, the colour of the dish comes from Kashmiri Red Chillies added to it. Methi Korma It is a sort of stew usually made with lamb stomach and flavored with methi or fenugreek leaves which adds a lovely unique flavor. This flavored gravy is very famous amongst Kashmiris and part of the extensive meat cuisine of the region. Tabak maaz It is a glossy meat made of lamb ribs that are cooked twice and then simmered in yogurt with spices till tender. It’s then fried thoroughly and served in dry form. The richness of the dish is apparent with the ingredient list, it tastes absolutely fabulous and the aroma pulls you towards another bite. Daniwal korma (a mutton curry with coriander) Waza palak (green spinach cooked into a silky consistency with small mutton balls known as paliki riste) Aab gosht (lamb cooked in milk curry) A sacral area of the vertebral column of lamb or mutton is cooked in milk with saffron, cardamoms and without other spices. Marchwangan korma (an extremely spicy lamb dish) Kabab (minced meat roasted on skewers over hot coals) Gushtaba (a velvety textured meatball in white yoghurt gravy) It is the finishing dish made of minced mutton balls which are made in yogurt and spices. It is similar to Rista but less spicy and it’s aroma resembles yakhni. Gustaba is like Rista made from pounded meat emulsion. Yakh’n This dish can be prepared with lamb or lotus stem. It is a spiced yogurt based dish cooked without chilies. Bay leaves, cloves, cardamoms are the prime flavors to the dish. The mutton is cut in the form of chunks of about.5-6 cm which is pre-cooked in boiling water for 20 mins before adding the gravy of yogurt. Ruwangan chhaman (cheese squares with tomato gravy) It is cheese cooked in tomato sauce along with spices. Cheese is called Chamman in Kashmiri. Dum selva (potatoes cooked in yoghurt gravy) Dum aloo Gand Aanchaar (chopped onions mixed with chillies, salt, yoghurt and spices) Muji chetin or Mooli akhrot chutney (a sharp radish and walnut chutney) Phirni The wazwan ends with this creamy delicacy, it is a milk pudding thickened with semolina or ground rice, flavoured with cardamom and optionally saffron, set in individual bowls with slivered nuts and silver leaf Ufff, it ends finally. I’m already drooling at the thought of all of it. You surely won’t be able to walk back home after all that eating. Let me know, what was your favourite pick from the 36 entree, mine stays Yakni ; ) #Tabakmaaz #Lahabikabab #Srinagar #Degchi #Phirni #foodie #Roganjosh #wazwan #Rista #Gushtaba SEARCH How was Chocolate Born FOOD Virgin Territory: These non-alcoholic thirst quenchers are mixologist approved FOOD Tasting the sunny side of Christmas: Christmas Cocktails FOOD 5 Destinations You Must Head to Taste Wine in India FOOD Breakfast – Don’t miss! FOOD POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan For Anti-Ageing That Actually Works Like Magic 5 April 2024 FOOD By Anushka Sharma The Mind-Blowing History Of Butter Chicken 27 March 2024 FOOD by Aishwarya Let’s talk about the alcohol brands owned by celebrities 2 November 2022 FOOD by Aishwarya Tasting the sunny side of Christmas: Christmas Cocktails 2 November 2022 FOOD RELATED POSTS

  • 5 Healthy Habits To Start Right Now

    by Akash Khatri 5 Healthy Habits To Start Right Now 1 December 2020 LIFESTYLE Advertisement We often ignore our body both physically and mentally in our 20s when we need to lay the foundation to stay well in the future. Knowing yourself ,your body, its needs and clarifying various myths about weight and obesity could be miraculous! Hence, 5 healthy habits to start now ( even if you’re at any age level of your life because better late than never!) are: Weigh yourself often Irrespective of the mean and worrying about it, just weigh yourself anywhere or buy a machine yourself. Make yourself thorough with the concept of BMI and muscle mass and know that the latter could increase your weight even more so it’s harmful in no way rather increases your strength and tones your body. Learn to cook This way you won’t only save your money but will save your dependency on street or restaurant food. Food we tend to eat now a days can satisfy our taste buds but are malicious to our body. Cooking yourself will help you to keep oil, spices etc in check and also preserving the nutrients of food you consume just in right amount. Live an active life This is very important. I’m sure you listen to this every now and then but living an active and disciplined life doesn’t only keeps you fit but it provides immense positivity inside. Cutting out on Sugar Not only sugar but every processed food should be kept atleast in check if you’re someone who loves food and if you’re just a fitness freak you can totally cut out sugar, you can also find its alternatives or start consuming goods without it. Find a job you love Think of it as a bonus point , additionally I didn’t mention this article is only gonna be about physical fitness, did I? Mental health is as important or could be more especially in today’s time when we are all susceptible to this and there’s an unequivocal environment about it. I won’t dig deep into the reasons but if you’re in your 20s then we know what’s a thing which has got ahold of our lives right now and thus finding a job you love, making a career out of it is of prime importance. This won’t only keep you motivated but you’ll also be passionate about it. With this, I will conclude here saying that I’ve seen, experienced and hence know how much fruitful these points could be if implemented effectively but at the end you’re at your own charge so good luck! SEARCH Countdown To History: Omega Unveils Paris 2024 Olympics Countdown Clock And Special Edition Timepiece LIFESTYLE Juggling Law And Fashion: The Inspirational Journey Of Riddhi Nahata, A Multifaceted Influencer LIFESTYLE Join Shruti Yogi On Her Enchanting Journey From Kumkum Bhagya To Wanderlust Saga LIFESTYLE Personal Growth And Relatability: Ishita Khanna's Key To Influencer Success LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty LIFESTYLE POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Unveiling the Myth: Does Pretty Privilege Truly Exist 17 April 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma How Do Some People Not Get Acne No Matter What 15 April 2024 LIFESTYLE By Anushka Sharma Kate Middleton’s Story Has Only Gotten Worse With Time 18 March 2024 LIFESTYLE By Rini Pathak The Skill Of Ageing Gracefully: Secrets From The Land Of Longevity 17 March 2024 LIFESTYLE RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • Fashion With Purpose: Meet Sunita T. Trakroo, The Influencer Making A Difference

    by Akshra Khandelwal Fashion With Purpose: Meet Sunita T. Trakroo, The Influencer Making A Difference 28 August 2023 FASHION Advertisement Advertisement In the fashion world, where trends change as swiftly as the wind, Sunita T. Trakroo stands as a beacon of inspiration, defying conventional norms and leading toward a more sustainable and conscientious future. A flourishing career as an influencer, with an unwavering commitment to social and environmental causes, sets her apart as a force to be reckoned with in the industry. In an exclusive interview with our magazine, Sunita shared her thoughts on fashion, her proudest achievements, her dreams for the future, and her pearls of wisdom for aspiring creators and models. "For me, fashion means different things to different people," Sunita begins, her eyes reflecting her passion for the subject. "Some interpret it as a personal style, and some as following runway choices and trends. Fashion is an amalgam of all the options, and it lies somewhere in the middle; it varies from person to person." Indeed, Sunita's unique approach to fashion resonates with her vast audience, who find themselves drawn to her impeccable taste and deep-rooted values. "Fashion should never compromise our values or the planet," she firmly states. "It's not just about looking good; it's about feeling good in what you wear and knowing that your choices positively impact the world." As we delve into her portfolio of work, Sunita coyly mentions projects she is proud of, projects she cannot divulge due to their confidential nature. "It is super secret for me because of the hard work I have done for a few tasks, but the results are not announced yet," she laughs. However, her passion and dedication have yielded remarkable results as her presence in the fashion world continues to grow and captivate. Aside from her secret endeavors, Sunita shares some of her ongoing projects, including collaborations with five-star properties and fashion events. "I believe in making every experience luxurious and sustainable," she says. "It's essential to show the world that fashion and luxury can go hand in hand with eco-consciousness." But what sets Sunita apart from many influencers is her vision for the future. "The future is uncertain," she admits, "but I want to collaborate with some NGOs and social activists. I'm keen to work for social and natural processes like afforestation and 'No Plastic India.'" Her eyes light up with determination as she speaks about her desire to use her platform to positively impact the environment and society. "I love to travel, and Greece has simply taken my breath away," Sunita gushes when we ask her about her favorite destination. "I admire it most and love to explore Santorini. Of course, it is a small island, but all the views are picturesque and soothing." Her love for travel extends beyond leisure, as she often incorporates sustainable and ethical practices during her journeys, promoting eco-tourism and responsible travel among her followers. As we approached the end of our interview, we couldn't resist asking Sunita to share some pearls of wisdom for aspiring creators and models. Her response was both empowering and thought-provoking: "Well! To be very frank, we live on Earth, so we must save our environment, wildlife, marine life, and every living thing because we don't inhabit this planet alone. As creators and models, we have a tremendous responsibility to use our influence to advocate for positive change." Her words echo in our minds long after the interview, reminding us of the power of social media and fashion. Sunita T. Trakroo has not only redefined fashion but has redefined what it means to be an influencer. With her unwavering commitment to sustainability and social causes, she has proven that fashion can be a vehicle for positive change and style can coexist with substance. In the ever-changing world of fashion, where the spotlight often shines on extravagance and excess, Sunita's values and principles stand as a refreshing reminder that beauty can be found not just in aesthetics but in the soul of those who use their influence for the greater good. As she continues her journey of blending fashion, luxury, and sustainability, we can't help but be excited about her future. In this future, style and responsibility go hand in hand, and fashion becomes a force for positive transformation. SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma These Fashion Trends Are Literally Scary For Your Health 1 April 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma India Is Finally Having A Major Fashion Moment 23 March 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Fashion Trends: What's Hot In 2024 22 March 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Is Africa The Next World Leader In Fashion 20 March 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • Balmain Beauty’s Luxurious Fragrance Experience Set To Debut In September 2024

    By Anushka Sharma Balmain Beauty’s Luxurious Fragrance Experience Set To Debut In September 2024 28 February 2024 FASHION Advertisement Advertisement Etched in the heart of Paris, where fashion and fragrance intertwine like threads in a meticulously crafted gown, Balmain Beauty has unveiled a tantalizing glimpse into its upcoming luxury fragrance experience. With an absolute air of mystery and sophistication, the "Projet Confidentiel" campaign sets the stage for a transformative olfactory journey, thus inviting all the beauty enthusiasts to embark on a new chapter of indulgence and allure. At the helm of this visionary endeavour is Olivier Rousting, the Creative Director of Balmain, whose passion for beauty has long been intertwined with his couture creations. "When I started at Balmain, I was dreaming about BALMAIN BEAUTY from the very beginning," Rousteing remarked, igniting anticipation for what promises to be a groundbreaking exploration of fragrance artistry. The Projet Confidentiel campaign, unveiled ahead of the Balmain fashion show, captivates with its absolute minimalist, yet profound elegance. Picture this: A matte black unlabeled fragrance bottle, adorned only by the iconic Balmain PB logo, stands as a symbol of understated luxury and timeless sophistication. It is a testament to the brand's commitment to redefining beauty conventions and setting new standards of excellence. Shot and directed by the visionary Carlijn Jacobs, the campaign features the radiant presence of model Akuol Deng Atem, whose captivating allure embodies the essence of Balmain Beauty. Set against the evocative melodies of Henri Scars Struck from The Other Side Of The Brain, the campaign transcends traditional boundaries, offering a multisensory experience that resonates with the soul. In a stroke of digital ingenuity, acclaimed artist Ian Padgham has crafted an augmented reality video, enveloping the streets of Paris in the ethereal essence of BALMAIN BEAUTY. It is a testament to the brand's innovative spirit and its commitment to embracing the convergence of art, technology, and beauty. The journey into the world of Balmain Beauty extends beyond the very confines of traditional marketing. It invites the audiences to immerse themselves in the brand's narrative through social media engagement and exclusive access to updates via the official website. By fostering a sense of community and anticipation, Balmain Beauty transcends the realm of fragrance, becoming a cultural phenomenon that resonates with discerning connoisseurs and trendsetters alike. As the countdown to September 2024 begins, Balmain Beauty beckons us to join in the celebration of a new era in luxury fragrance and indulge to our heart’s content. With each exquisite note, we are invited to embark on a sensory odyssey that transcends time and space, enveloping us in the timeless allure of Balmain's visionary spirit. In a world where beauty knows absolutely no bounds, Balmain Beauty stands tall as a beacon of elegance, creativity and audacious innovation. Prepare to be captivated. Prepare to be transformed. Prepare to experience the essence of Balmain Beauty like never before. SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma These Fashion Trends Are Literally Scary For Your Health 1 April 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma India Is Finally Having A Major Fashion Moment 23 March 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Fashion Trends: What's Hot In 2024 22 March 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Is Africa The Next World Leader In Fashion 20 March 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

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