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  • How To Organize Your Wardrobe

    by Prarthana Rohatgi How To Organize Your Wardrobe 16 February 2023 FASHION Advertisement Advertisement Expression is important. The human race has excelled in expressing itself with symbols like the car we drive, the literature we consume, or the clothes we wear. For some people, Fashion is a means of self-expression; it depicts our identity differently. The colors we wear, the style we choose, etc. Organization of your closet means a lot, like organizing your identity. Watching tik tok and vlogs for ideas or as a good sport is easy and fun, but doing the work is intimidating. If you need help and wondering where and how to begin, we've got a guide for you. 1. Declutter: The first step to organizing anything is to declutter. Empty your wardrobe. Clean every nook and corner. Think of emptying your closet like a cleanse. Someone clumsy might find various items you've lost over the years. Earrings that went missing months ago, shoes you have never worn, bags you don't remember owning, or clothes you have been searching for. Organizing anything is impossible if all the objects aren't present, which is why cleaning is essential. Cleaning brings with it some difficult decisions. What to keep and what not to. Tough, thoughtful decisions have to be made. Donate or discard items that you no longer need. Repurpose other items if you can. 2. Categorize The next step is categorizing. Categorizing is for convenience. Every person can have a different preference. Categorizing by seasons. Having easy access to seasonal clothes in regions with extreme climates, like those of the temperate region, can be very convenient Categorizing by color: This makes your wardrobe aesthetically pleasing. There is nothing more satisfying than having a color-coordinated closet. Categorizing by Style: Casual, sports, party, or traditional. Instead of having them all mismatched. Placing them in order helps you find them faster. If you're a last-minute dresser, this will make things easier. 3. Maximise space To maximize the storage of your closet use storage solutions like hanging organizers, shelf dividers, or boxes. Make sure to choose solutions that fit your specific needs and the dimensions of your closet. Make use of vertical space. Install additional hanging rods to maximize the use of the vertical space in your closet. It can help you store more items and have easy access. Once you have cleaned and organized your closet, only one thing remains: Maintaining your wardrobe. Regularly tidy up your closet and think of innovative ways to access your storage. You now have your brand-new closet ready for its debut. Like Amy fine collins said, "Opening your closet should be like arriving at a really good party where everyone you see is someone you like." #fashion #closetclense #organazing #maximisespace #declutter #newclosetnewyou SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma These Fashion Trends Are Literally Scary For Your Health 1 April 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma India Is Finally Having A Major Fashion Moment 23 March 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Fashion Trends: What's Hot In 2024 22 March 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Is Africa The Next World Leader In Fashion 20 March 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • Is Africa The Next World Leader In Fashion

    By Anushka Sharma Is Africa The Next World Leader In Fashion 20 March 2024 FASHION Advertisement Advertisement In the vibrant tapestry of global fashion, Africa's presence is increasingly prominent, painting a picture of creativity, innovation, and economic prowess. With a burgeoning youth population, rapid urbanization, and the infusion of digital technologies, the continent's fashion landscape is undergoing a seismic transformation, poised to emerge as a formidable leader in the global fashion arena. From the bustling streets of Abidjan to the chic boulevards of Nairobi in Kenya, African cities are not only economic hubs but also veritable crucibles of fashion and design innovation. Despite facing challenges such as limited investment, nascent educational systems, and the imperative need for intellectual property protection, Africa's potential to shape the future of fashion remains undeniable. UNESCO's seminal report, "The African Fashion Sector: Trends, challenges, and opportunities for growth," unveiled in October 2023, illuminates the continent's trajectory towards fashion supremacy. Africa boasts a rich tapestry of raw materials, with 37 out of 54 countries producing cotton, rendering it a significant player in the global textile market. Moreover, the continent serves as both an exporter and importer of textiles, with a trade volume indicative of its burgeoning influence. A notable trend highlighted in the report is the growing demand for "Made-in-Africa" fashion, particularly among the youth demographic, who account for a significant portion of the continent's population. The burgeoning middle class further fuels this demand, catalyzing the emergence of new consumer markets and amplifying Africa's fashion footprint on the global stage. The digital revolution sweeping across Africa plays a pivotal role in fostering intra-continental trade and nurturing young talent. With 32 Fashion Weeks held annually, the continent serves as a crucible for haute couture, craftsmanship, and sartorial expression. The report forecasts a staggering 42 percent surge in demand for African haute couture over the next decade, underscoring the continent's rising prominence in the global fashion echelon. Despite the palpable momentum, UNESCO identifies four critical challenges that necessitate strategic interventions to unleash Africa's fashion potential. The most critical amongst these challenges is the imperative to bolster legal protections for designers and industry professionals, encompassing intellectual property rights, fair remuneration, improved working conditions, and the facilitation of professional unions. Investment in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) emerges as the second imperative, considering that these enterprises comprise 90 percent of Africa's fashion sector. Beyond their economic significance, SMEs serve as custodians of cultural diversity and are pivotal in fostering local employment opportunities, particularly for the continent's burgeoning youth population. Addressing environmental sustainability constitutes the third challenge outlined by UNESCO. While the fashion industry remains a significant contributor to environmental degradation, Africa possesses untapped potential to harness local materials, innovate sustainable textiles, and promote eco-conscious consumption patterns. Notably, the production of organic cotton fiber in Africa surged by 90 percent between 2019 and 2020, signaling a burgeoning movement towards sustainability within the continent's fashion landscape. Moreover, the report underscores the need to establish robust recycling channels to mitigate the environmental impact of the second-hand clothing market, which represents a significant segment of global imports. With 40 percent of discarded garments ending up in landfills, enhancing recycling infrastructure is imperative to foster a circular economy within the fashion industry. In conclusion, Africa stands at the precipice of a transformative epoch in the global fashion narrative. With its rich cultural heritage, burgeoning talent pool, and excellent, growing consumer base, the continent possesses all the prerequisites to ascend as a world leader in fashion. By surmounting challenges, fostering innovation, and embracing sustainability, Africa's fashion renaissance heralds a new dawn of creativity, inclusivity, and economic prosperity on the global stage. SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma These Fashion Trends Are Literally Scary For Your Health 1 April 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma India Is Finally Having A Major Fashion Moment 23 March 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Fashion Trends: What's Hot In 2024 22 March 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Is Africa The Next World Leader In Fashion 20 March 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • Sandeepa Dhar: On Being Versatile and Learning from Mistakes

    by JoNa Sandeepa Dhar: On Being Versatile and Learning from Mistakes 11 December 2022 COVER STORIES Advertisement Advertisement Sandeepa Dhar from Kashmir made her debut into Bollywood with the movie Isi Life Mein in 2010, from then it has been an upward journey for her. She has starred in multiple hit movies and critically acclaimed web series such as Abhay and Mai: A Mother’s Rage. Dhar has been nominated for the Filmfare Best Debut Actress, Star Screen Award for Most Promising Newcomer – female and the Stardust Award for Superstar of Tomorrow – Female. She opens up to us about the challenges she faced in the industry, her learning experiences in the shooting spots, her co-stars and her philosophy when it comes to life and work. The Pandemic has taught her not to plan things far ahead, she’s more conscious of the changes in the Bollywood industry and is ready to take one step at a time. She’s not in a hurry to the top. It is the process that appeals to her. “ Personal growth as an actor and as an individual is the most important for me. I think that's where I see myself going, I see myself evolving, changing, getting better and better with time.” Sandeepa Dhar is working on a new project, meanwhile she spoke to us about working on the sets of Kaagaz with the legendary actors Salman Khan, Pankaj Tripathi and Director Satish Kaushik. She shares a special relationship with Salman Khan, as she had already worked with him; and Tripathi according to her, is ‘an amazing and smashing human being.’ She quoted an incident where Kaushik came to her with a song and told her that it was about women empowerment, and that he would never shoot an item song or show women in a poor light. ‘It was reassuring and refreshing to see him talk like that,’ she said. “It was a wonderful experience working on Kaagaz, I'm extremely lucky that I get to work with such an amazing set of creative minds who've been in the industry for a really long time, who are so experienced, and at the top of the game. Ihope I get to work with them over and over again. Fingers crossed.” When asked about her experience so far in Bollywood, Dhar said that it is like a rollercoaster ride, having it’s ups and downs. She is extremely grateful to have worked in diverse roles, with multiple stars and franchises like Netflix and Hotstar. She is also ready to fight for and hope for more bigger, stronger roles and recognition. Looking forward to many more exciting opportunities, Dhar remains optimistic. “ …I feel like I'm also very grateful, because I have got an opportunity to work with some amazing set of people from Salman to Sajid Nadiadwala to Tiger to Kriti and Rajshri. Even with the web, I have gotten the opportunity to work with some brilliantly talented people; platforms from Netflix to Hotstar, the best in the game. I think it's been an interesting journey and I'm only very excited to see where it goes henceforth. Because I don't know myself where it leads me to, I don’t know how much I'm going to grow and evolve. No matter what, I'm really, really looking forward to the opportunities that I get henceforth and to the choices that I make ahead.” Working with Atul Mongia for the web series Mai has been a dream come true for Sandeepa Dhar. The series was produced by Clean Slate Filmz owned by Anushka Sharma and Karnesh Sharma. It was a critical and commercial success, and it impacted her personally and professionally as well says Dhar. She goes on to talk about her views on personal development and how she focuses on being a better person and artist, never comparing herself to anyone but herself. She strongly believe in personal growth, and looks forward to being a better version of her self both on and off screen. ‘People who compare their lives to others’ are quite narrow minded, as everyone’s journey is different,’ she adds. “. I feel like anyway, with the kind of lifestyles that we all have, we all need to look inward and work on our own selves, that's the only way that we can keep a straight head in this crazy world. Because, social media and people can play with your head and I think at this point, the only thing that can save you is your own self and knowing who you are and working on it. I think for me that is what is the most important.” For a final question, we asked her about the obstacles she has faced and her journey so far. She replied that being an outsider had been her first obstacle; she knew no one in the industry and had to work hard to land roles, to reach the relevant people. Since she had no one to guide her during her earlier days, everything was of ‘trial and error,’ method for her. She had to learn from her mistakes, sometimes she erred three four times, before learning her lesson. She also spoke about the ‘perception’ that people have about actors, which stereotypes them and thereby denying them of certain roles. This fight against people’s perception of her is a constant battle she says. “In this industry, the stereotyping is immense to an extent it’s quite ridiculous in a way because isn't it stupid that as an actor, you're putting people in boxes, according to the way they look. But as an actor, I should mould myself physically and emotionally as per the character. That is my job, right? I'm supposed to play a different character irrespective of what I look like, but the industry forces you to only play roles, which kind of suffice to what you look like physically. So, if I am, for example, fair and modern and good looking then, according to them, I would only fit in roles wherein the character is rich and from an affluent family or speaks English. I am honestly quite fed up with people thinking like that. I think there is that obstacle that I'm constantly fighting hence, if you look at my filmography, I'm always playing roles wherein the character is quite the opposite of what I am in person.” We ended the interview with a positive vibe, with Sandeepa Dhar asking the audience and readers to look forward to her movies and series, not because she is in them but because they’re worth watching. We are indeed looking forward to your next project Sandeepa Dhar! Wishing you all luck and success! SEARCH Karishma Kotak Playing Her Innings In Fashion, Sports And Fitness COVER STORIES Musings With Maryam Zolghadr COVER STORIES Madhura Naik talks about the Life of an Actress COVER STORIES Kavya Thapar And Her Versatile Acting Career That Cuts Across Regional Lines COVER STORIES Ahsaas Channa Talks About Her Mother Being The Inspiration Behind Her Career COVER STORIES POPULAR POSTS Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dialogues That Never Disappoint With Actor Saqib Ayub 4 April 2024 COVER STORIES by Anjali Educate, Empower, Excel: Priyanka Chahar Choudhary's Inspirational Overture 15 November 2023 COVER STORIES by Akshra Khandelwal Purab Kohli’s Cinematic Expedition Through Films, Travel And Self-Expression 22 September 2023 COVER STORIES by Aparajita Jaiswal Exploring The Path Of Aspiring Actors And Producers: Insights From Anil Singh Chandel 6 September 2023 COVER STORIES RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • The Best Of Both Worlds With Deepti Sadhwani

    by Anushka Sharma The Best Of Both Worlds With Deepti Sadhwani 6 May 2023 COVER STORIES Advertisement Advertisement There is a lot that meets the eye when it comes to Deepti Sadhwani. From being an investment banker in London to finally realising a niche that she has always been interested in, it wasn’t until long that Deepti Sadhwani opened her own production company and got into the realm of music albums, TV, and a lot more. When asked about whether she’d prefer singing or acting, she couldn’t help but find it hard to choose! “Being good at both will always give one an edge above the rest of the competitors. Hence, I’d love to be great at both.” We asked Deepti about who inspires her the most in the realm of music, to which she replied, “Lata Ji has always been a favourite. She has contributed so much into the realm of music, and is synonymous with the Gods of music. Sonu Ji has always been a dear friend and an inspiration to me. In live singing, one can’t ever imagine him miss a beat.” Well, we couldn’t agree more! Speaking of where she sees her career to be headed in the next five years, Deepti tells us that she seeks to ace the events on a global platform and get international recognition. There isn’t much Deepti wishes to change much, considering how both the industries are so dynamic, I just feel that there should be ample chances given to newcomers. They should be welcomed with more openness. When asked about a memory that’s etched in her memory, she fondly recalls how she was crowed as Ms. North India amidst her family, which also helped her get a glimpse into the world of glamour. We didn’t want to wind the interview without something spicy. When asked to pick between Bad Boy Shah and Diljit Dosanjh, Deepti was quick to not be partial! She tells us, “I’ve already been a part of a project with Baadshah, and he’s a dear friend. I’d now love to collaborate with Diljit!” We love how versatile Deepti is. From being dynamic in the genres she is into to being open to a host of new projects in the future, it’s empowering to see her live and thrive through her passion. SEARCH Karishma Kotak Playing Her Innings In Fashion, Sports And Fitness COVER STORIES Musings With Maryam Zolghadr COVER STORIES Madhura Naik talks about the Life of an Actress COVER STORIES Kavya Thapar And Her Versatile Acting Career That Cuts Across Regional Lines COVER STORIES Ahsaas Channa Talks About Her Mother Being The Inspiration Behind Her Career COVER STORIES POPULAR POSTS Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dialogues That Never Disappoint With Actor Saqib Ayub 4 April 2024 COVER STORIES by Anjali Educate, Empower, Excel: Priyanka Chahar Choudhary's Inspirational Overture 15 November 2023 COVER STORIES by Akshra Khandelwal Purab Kohli’s Cinematic Expedition Through Films, Travel And Self-Expression 22 September 2023 COVER STORIES by Aparajita Jaiswal Exploring The Path Of Aspiring Actors And Producers: Insights From Anil Singh Chandel 6 September 2023 COVER STORIES RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • The History Of Heels: Explained

    by Aishwarya The History Of Heels: Explained 4 November 2022 FASHION Advertisement Advertisement For the last 3 centuries, high heels are extensively thought to be a women’s vogue. Seen everywhere from the runways to daily work attire, adding several elevations to a woman’s height is often thought of as the key to attachment associate ensemble along. All the same, as addicts of fashion at intervals and out of doors the trade take strides to interrupt the gender binary in attire, multiple men are noticed sporting high heels. By clutches footwear that has become such an associate picture illustration of female fashion, their selection is far dubbed “ground-breaking” or “gender-bending.” Curiously enough, the invention of high heels began specifically for men. The initial notable kind of heels dates back to the 10th- century in Persia. Male warriors riding horseback used heels to secure their feet within the stirrups and provide them additional leverage while fighting. The origin of high-heels is derived back to the fifteenth century in Persia when warriors wore them to secure their legs in stirrups. Persian settlers brought the shoe trend to Europe, where men and nobles wore them to look tall and fearful. Because the high heel came to indicate power and military artistry, it conjointly changed into a show of wealth, as solely those with wealth might afford horses. This symbolism reemerges in France during the 1600s during the reign of King Sun King. The Master of Versailles used footwear to differentiate each category and preference of the military. In 1670, he declared that solely members of the noble category might wear heels, and also he solely allowed his favourite courtiers to wear red( his colour of choice). The most international and perhaps the oldest shoe story considers a righteous woman whose shoes elevate her to a progressive rank- Cinderella. The story of the ‘slipper test’ is derived from the first century in Egypt. This tale and many more like them, advocate the picture of slippers as status and represent the importance, power and magic of shoes. By the end of the French Revolution, though, high heels were thought of as too feminine and customarily forgotten by men in Europe, yet, across the pool, because the yank West began to draw in new settlers, the wrangler, arguably associated and outlined by his attire, was thought of as the epitome of masculinity and masculine pride. Most wrangler kicks featured an associate inverted spherical heel referred to as a Cuban heel( representing the footwear of ancient Flamenco prom) and were a necessity for staying upright while moving long distances on horseback. Despite this, heels outside the wrangler setting were typically still thought to be women’s shoes. It had been not till the 1960s, once the rock group jaded the “ Beatle Boots ” — associated with early replication of Chelsea kicks — that the heel was reinvited into menswear. Rock- n- roll teams of the late-twentieth century like Aerosmith and Mötley Crue embraced such tamed designs in addition, whereas glam gem artists like Kiss and David Bowie selected for alternative ostentatious renditions. Unlike the low Cuban heels of'70s hair bands, Bowie and his stage persona Ziggy romanticism gravitated towards daring platforms, stilettos, or typically improved heels all of that were, at the time, substitutable with women's fashion. Whereas cultures like drag queen communities and theatre culture throughout this point had earlier standardized men carrying heels and alternative historically womanly clothes, Bowie's look brought gender subversive fashion to the thought. In the 2010s, the come of the Chelsea bang in convenience wardrobes was, erstwhile once more, met was respectable attention. Though, as designers still mix menswear and womenswear, the androgynous lines around apparel and accessories have lightened in their harshness. Heels improved and flashier than a straightforward black Chelsea kick square measure additional common for men than in previous decades. Brands have used them as a part of their menswear collections, and they have so established their approach to streetwear. Such as apparel, the step-down of heels as a "woman's shoe" continues to unfold as attire becomes lesser tied to one's personal identity and sex. As men hit red carpets and magazine covers in robes, there's no reason they ought to not have a pleasant few heels to accompany them. The origin of high- heels is derived back to fifteenth century Persia once warriors wore them to assist secure their legs in stirrups. #Heels #HighHeels #Soldiers #Fashion #History #MensWear #FashionHistory SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma These Fashion Trends Are Literally Scary For Your Health 1 April 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma India Is Finally Having A Major Fashion Moment 23 March 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Fashion Trends: What's Hot In 2024 22 March 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Is Africa The Next World Leader In Fashion 20 March 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • HOME | L'utopia Magazine

    By Anushka Sharma Balmain Beauty’s Luxurious Fragrance Experience Set To Debut In September 2024 28 February 2024 FASHION Advertisement By Rinni Pathak The Take Off Of A Flight Connecting Emirates And NBA 16 February 2024 TRAVEL By Sapna Panchal Unveiling Delights Of Hotel Palazzo Versace Gem Of Dubai 7 February 2024 TRAVEL By Anushka Sharma Unraveling The Luxurious Tapestry: A Journey Through The History Of Cashmere 27 February 2024 FASHION by Anushka Sharma Agatha Maksimova - The Rising Star Illuminating Cannes Film Festival 23 May 2023 COVER STORIES SEARCH LIFESTYLE 6 Disadvantages Of Being Pretty FASHION Colour Psychology In Fashion: Explained FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion POPULAR POSTS By Rini Pathak Unveiling The City Of Extravagance With Palazzo Versace Dubai 13 February 2024 TRAVEL by Anushka Sharma Agatha Maksimova - The Rising Star Illuminating Cannes Film Festival 23 May 2023 COVER STORIES By Anushka Sharma Into The Realm Of Extravaganza That Is Sachin & Babi 21 February 2024 FASHION Advertisement Advertisement By Rini Pathak Fly In Elegance With Qatar Airways And Avail Exclusive Offers 20 February 2024 TRAVEL by Akshra Khandelwal Breitling's Endurance Pro IRONMAN Watches - Your Ultimate Journey Companion 18 August 2023 LIFESTYLE By Rinni Pathak Surrounded By The Zenith Of Luxury; Palazzo Versace Dubai 19 February 2024 TRAVEL Advertisement 101 Influencers Of The Year Limited Edition 2023 L'utopia Magazine Buy Now Advertisement Subscribe to our newsletter Email* Join the L'utopia Magazine newsletter now to stay up to date on all things fashion, lifestyle, food, travel and new releases! Join Our Mailing List Advertisement

  • In Conversation And More With Payal Ghosh

    by Anushka Sharma In Conversation And More With Payal Ghosh 11 March 2023 COVER STORIES Advertisement Advertisement Accompanied with a vivacious personality and an appealing charm, Payal Ghosh is a class apart indeed. In a candid take on her life’s trajectory with us, we uncovered a lot that lies under the layers. Speaking of when she got her first break, she said, “I was just 17 when I got my first opportunity. I wasn't even out of college yet, I just went to accompany a friend to an audition and I got a movie Prayanam directed by a National Award winning director Mr. Yeleti. It was a fantastic experience.” Getting an opportunity at the age of 17 is definitely a God’s given bliss! Speaking of how she would describe her experience working in the South as well as Bollywood, she talks to us about how different the overall outlook is. She states, “They both are different. Down south they do a lot of pre-production work. This is not to say that Bollywood doesn't, but it's more abundant there. The shoots are also wrapped sooner down south. Bollywood is a different ballgame. The audience is wide and you are critiqued for everything that you do. As we unfurled a few topics on which one of her works is closest to her heart, she tells us that she cannot choose or pick a single project! “All of them. I can't differentiate between them. They are like my babies. I’ve worked so much that no work is big or less for me, I loved all my work and every artist should love every work of theirs.” Art is all about nourishing a metaphorical baby that feeds off your talent, after all! Speaking of her upcoming projects, she states, “One of them is Red which is completed with Krishna. It's a thriller. I have started working on "Shaque the doubt" which is also a thriller. The shooting commences in London soon. I’ve many more projects coming up to surprise the Audience and my fans.” When we asked Payal about this one piece of advice for the girls who are keen to join the industry, she tells us, “Be bold, be yourself and don't take the shortcut route. If you work hard enough for your dreams you'll surely make it. There is enough room for talent. Believe in yourself.” However, acting isn’t all that she’s known for. Payal has some slick sense of dressing as well. When asked about her fashion mantra, she tells us the key to knowing it all: Being yourself in whatever you wear, with confidence and happiness, only to never go wrong with it! As the conversation divulged into the topics of mental health, she has a rather interesting take on the entire subject. She states, “Do start with a goal for your mental health content. ... Do use credible sources. ... Do include the details on how to get in touch with professional help. ... Don't limit people's identities to their mental health.” Speaking of her views on body positivity, she tells us, “All body types are beautiful and deserve acceptance. Body positivity is guided by the understanding that feeling positive and accepting of appearance can improve mental health, reduce the risk of eating disorders, and allow someone to function at their best. Needless to say, this interview with Payal Ghosh was indeed a refreshing take on life, Bollywood and perspectives in general. SEARCH Karishma Kotak Playing Her Innings In Fashion, Sports And Fitness COVER STORIES Musings With Maryam Zolghadr COVER STORIES Madhura Naik talks about the Life of an Actress COVER STORIES Kavya Thapar And Her Versatile Acting Career That Cuts Across Regional Lines COVER STORIES Ahsaas Channa Talks About Her Mother Being The Inspiration Behind Her Career COVER STORIES POPULAR POSTS Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dialogues That Never Disappoint With Actor Saqib Ayub 4 April 2024 COVER STORIES by Anjali Educate, Empower, Excel: Priyanka Chahar Choudhary's Inspirational Overture 15 November 2023 COVER STORIES by Akshra Khandelwal Purab Kohli’s Cinematic Expedition Through Films, Travel And Self-Expression 22 September 2023 COVER STORIES by Aparajita Jaiswal Exploring The Path Of Aspiring Actors And Producers: Insights From Anil Singh Chandel 6 September 2023 COVER STORIES RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • Honing skills and stepping beyond comfort: Sunayana Fozdar talks work, fitness and more

    By Aadhya Venkatesh Honing skills and stepping beyond comfort: Sunayana Fozdar talks work, fitness and more 30 June 2022 COVER STORIES Advertisement Advertisement Actor and performer Sunayana Fozdar ventured into the Indian TV industry after doing films in the south. Her most current as Anjali Mehta in the hit show Taarak Mehta ka Ooltah Chashma has garnered her lots of love and applause from the audiences. Sunayana believes that the TV industry is more fast-paced due to the daily telecast and allows one to polish their skills. She enjoys the production process of both TV and Cinema and wishes to work in both worlds. Sunayana believes that hard work combined with discipline and consistency is the key to success. She advises against falling for the glittering glamour of the industry and pushes aspiring actors to learn and better themselves. She wishes to take up Reality TV shows in the future and believes that "It is the best way to connect with your audiences and let them get to know who you are." When it comes to skincare, Sunayana believes that both health and skincare routines contribute significantly to a healthy mind. She does different things like walking, dancing, running, CrossFit, etc., but most of all, she loves to walk. Her skincare routine is fundamental, and she believes in keeping the skin clean and hydrated. Sunayana avoids using makeup when she doesn't have to and always sleeps with bare skin. She believes that letting the skin breathe is important. "When you are mentally in a good position, your skin will glow, and your body will be happy". For fitness, Sunayana does not believe in following fad diets. She eats everything from cakes to chocolates but in moderation. Eating simple food and drinking a lot of water is her go-to tip for fitness and being physically active. She promotes doing anything that personally suits you and your mindset, along with eating right and sleeping adequately. When asked about the trolling she receives over social media, Sunayana said, "When you ignore something, it fizzles out". She doesn't let the trolling get to her and maintains a positive attitude by surrounding herself with friends and family. "Eventually, if you are on the right path and focus on work, everything else will fall into place". Her main inspiration in life has been her mother. She always pushed Sunayana to get out of her comfort zone. "She has been a single mom, and you can imagine the hurdles and strength she's had". Sunayana likes to believe that she has the same strength and is a reflection of her mother. SEARCH Karishma Kotak Playing Her Innings In Fashion, Sports And Fitness COVER STORIES Musings With Maryam Zolghadr COVER STORIES Madhura Naik talks about the Life of an Actress COVER STORIES Kavya Thapar And Her Versatile Acting Career That Cuts Across Regional Lines COVER STORIES Ahsaas Channa Talks About Her Mother Being The Inspiration Behind Her Career COVER STORIES POPULAR POSTS Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dialogues That Never Disappoint With Actor Saqib Ayub 4 April 2024 COVER STORIES by Anjali Educate, Empower, Excel: Priyanka Chahar Choudhary's Inspirational Overture 15 November 2023 COVER STORIES by Akshra Khandelwal Purab Kohli’s Cinematic Expedition Through Films, Travel And Self-Expression 22 September 2023 COVER STORIES by Aparajita Jaiswal Exploring The Path Of Aspiring Actors And Producers: Insights From Anil Singh Chandel 6 September 2023 COVER STORIES RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • Mannat Singh, the story of an aspiring actress

    by Aparajita Jaiswal Mannat Singh, the story of an aspiring actress 28 September 2022 COVER STORIES Advertisement Advertisement Mannat Singh is not just a successful model but also an aspiring actress and found a passion for acting through pure serendipity. A young, goofy, introvert whose life changed when she entered the world of modeling through Miss India, moving out of her shell. "I thought that there's so much more that I could do and I'm not just this shy person. I can go out there in the world and try to have big dreams and I can achieve whatever I want if I put my mind to it," Mannat goes on tell us "I am really glad that I took that scary step of coming to a different city from a town where everything was my comfort alongside my my family. Taking that leap of faith, coming here and working for my dreams every day, I feel like that is commendable and that is the reason that I do this. I want to be an actor and I love what I do. I love where my life is going to go and the direction that I'm on. And that's all that I've got." Mannat Singh expresses how as an actor she wishes to bring the character to life and also be true to the character she is playing. As an actor you're always striving and being fearless enough to take chances. "The whole point acting us to bring the character to life. Everybody has a process which is very different and it's a very subjective thing. It differs from person to person, actor to actor. So I don't think there's a set way of performing this art but I feel it depends on the person and the actor." There are several stages of being an actor in a show or a film. There are certain thrilling aspects and there are certain parts where hard work and focus is key. Mannat comments on the same, "I feel that I embrace and enjoy the whole process. From getting the script and reading the script, understanding the writer's point of view to actually bringing the character to life and adding my own personal touch, the whole process is extremely thrilling to me. When you're auditioning and you're going about the scene and performing in front of people, I feel like there comes a point for me where I'm knee deep into the character that I start improvising. So, when I'm improvising, I am really getting under the skin of the character and it's just coming really naturally to me. That is the point where I know that I can do this. That particular point is very exciting and thrilling for me." "Not having explored many genres yet, I would be really excited to do a thriller or mystery film or show but the most difficult genre to perform, in my opinion, is comedy, because I feel like if you can make the audience laugh and you know it all comes with ease to you, is the most difficult thing to do. If ever got a chance, I'm sure that I'll have to work really hard. As a person, I believe I'm funny and have a good sense of humor but while performing a comedic role, I believe it will be one of the most difficult things to do but I’d still like to explore that." Having asked what present day mega director inspires her and she would like to be directed by, Mannat answers with a slight glow in her eye as she talks about her inspiration, "The filmmaker that inspires me the most and that I would love to work with in the future is Sanjay Leela Bhansali as I have just really liked his work since I was a little child. I've been watching him since Devdas and then I absolutely loved guzaarish and Ram Leela, eventually all the series that he's made, all the great films that he's made till date. I like his process, the way that he makes his characters a certain way, the whole direction process and it's just very thrilling to the eye from an audience's point of view. I would like to be directed by him." Mannat believes that as an actor we must pursue and the amount of effort and work one puts in their art will always prove fruitful. As an actor, with all hardships one faces, one must always keep going and pushing their boundaries without a shadow of doubt. She speaks about her father who is a motivational speaker, she says he always said, "Mannat you will be really glad if you give it your all, if you have tried really hard as you’ll never have regrets. Don't give up. This is my dream and this is what I want to work for. That's stuck with me and that's what I tell myself. Even on days when I'm feeling low, I don't get up and I'm not able to do what I want to but there are days that you have to pick yourself up and remind yourself of the purpose that you have aspired to achieve." The filmmaker that inspires me the most and that I would love to work with in the future is Sanjay Leela Bhansali as I have just really liked his work since I was a little child. SEARCH Karishma Kotak Playing Her Innings In Fashion, Sports And Fitness COVER STORIES Musings With Maryam Zolghadr COVER STORIES Madhura Naik talks about the Life of an Actress COVER STORIES Kavya Thapar And Her Versatile Acting Career That Cuts Across Regional Lines COVER STORIES Ahsaas Channa Talks About Her Mother Being The Inspiration Behind Her Career COVER STORIES POPULAR POSTS Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dialogues That Never Disappoint With Actor Saqib Ayub 4 April 2024 COVER STORIES by Anjali Educate, Empower, Excel: Priyanka Chahar Choudhary's Inspirational Overture 15 November 2023 COVER STORIES by Akshra Khandelwal Purab Kohli’s Cinematic Expedition Through Films, Travel And Self-Expression 22 September 2023 COVER STORIES by Aparajita Jaiswal Exploring The Path Of Aspiring Actors And Producers: Insights From Anil Singh Chandel 6 September 2023 COVER STORIES RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • New York Fashion Week Fall Collection

    by Akash Khatri New York Fashion Week Fall Collection 1 January 2021 FASHION Advertisement Advertisement New York Fashion Week is one of the “Big 4” fashion weeks in the world and is held semi-annually each year in February and September. This year all the live shows struggled to follow their conventional path due to pandemics, New York fashion week was no exception either and for months fashion designers struggled to cope with the “new normal” but definitely came up with some amazing collection. As pandemic has changed the trend of fashion to some extent and with most of the people working from home, the New York fashion week showcased the basic yet chic versions of the clothing rather than going all hunky-dory and glittery. The main cause taken up by most of the fashion designers was “Sustainable fashion” that would protect our environment and in times of such crisis like we are in 2020, giving attention to the environment and global warming is essential. One off-putting thing that the New York fashion week missed is to witness a few of the famous designers participating in New York fashion week’s fall collection. Although looking at the brighter side, the absence of few famous and well-known designers created room for the new and younger designers to shine through. Few names that won heart in the New York Fashion Week fall collection of 2020 are: Marc Jacobs: He highlighted more of the basics in an old school way. A-line coats and Mini shift dresses were the major highlights from his collection. Marina Moscone: She is known for her minimalistic styling. However, she surprised everyone in the fall collection and came up with some sexy options for the evening, some suits, and even used leopard prints for gowns. Prabal Gurung: He expressed his New York fall collection as a love letter to the city which deeply is fascinated about fashion and colours. He showcased the love for glamour meticulously via suits to gowns to jackets. Khaite: She presented her collection as a tale of two women from two different worlds which blended so perfectly and did not even urge us to choose a side either. Such diligently worked collection. There were far too many talented designers who gave everyone major fashion goals and showed how fashion would probably look like in the coming year. Hope you guys have taken note of how suits, A-line dresses, and animal prints and evening gowns won heart at the fall collection in New York fashion week and would keep your wardrobe updated accordingly. SEARCH The Rich Heritage of Indian Handloom FASHION Fashion In The 19th Century FASHION Colour Psychology in Fashion: Explained FASHION The Influence Of Kanye West On Fashion FASHION K-Pop Fashion And Its Impact On Global Wardrobe FASHION POPULAR POSTS Advertisement Advertisement By Anushka Sharma These Fashion Trends Are Literally Scary For Your Health 1 April 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma India Is Finally Having A Major Fashion Moment 23 March 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Fashion Trends: What's Hot In 2024 22 March 2024 FASHION By Anushka Sharma Is Africa The Next World Leader In Fashion 20 March 2024 FASHION RELATED POSTS

  • Kaveri Priyam On Making Her Childhood Dream Come True

    by Anushka Sharma Kaveri Priyam On Making Her Childhood Dream Come True 13 March 2023 COVER STORIES Advertisement Advertisement In a candid interview, Kaveri Priyam tells us that she had absolutely no idea about how to start working in the industry! All she was clear about was getting herself enrolled in an acting institute and continuing her theatres. Afterwards, she came to know about the auditions happening in Aram nagar and without the knowledge of the do’s and don’ts, she simply started giving them! Slowly, she started learning the various things about the industry and as it was a long process, she had the opportunity of experiencing the ups and downs, the rights and wrongs and helping herself when needed which further helped her to sustain in the industry. Kaveri says that it’s all those initial years which are helping her to support herself till date. She tells us that her experience was very good apart from the times when casting directors asked for money or when they tell you that you are not the appropriate shape or size or colour for this industry. She said that for some time she even took these comments on herself and tried to work in accordance with them but eventually she realised what was good for her and what was not. Kaveri says, “Working in the industry has always been very fun. Touchwood, I have been very lucky because I got the opportunity to work with very lovely people who never made me feel that I was a newcomer in the beginning.” As a child, she always wanted to become an actor. She says she was a born drama queen and was always a part of extracurricular activities. She says she has been lucky to have a good support system; good teachers who were very proactive and her mom, who got her enrolled in various classes. Straight after school, cycling daily to her Kathak classes was extremely hectic but she really enjoyed the part where she used to be on the stage. She used to act, direct, write stories and enact them with friends which unknowingly turned out to be street plays and attract a lot of crowd on the spot. She says that as a child you would think that you are just doing all this for your playtime fun but gradually she realised that she really liked doing all of it by heart. That’s when she decided to become an actor. Despite having a studious family and mindset she realised she didn’t really enjoy it all, and acting was actually what she truly wanted to do. The day she got rejected from one of the exams was her turning point. Thus, she started giving auditions, doing theatres in Delhi and finally she got selected for a show and came to Mumbai. The show didn’t work out well but it brought her to the place where she belonged! Talking about her upcoming projects she tells us, “I am super excited for my upcoming show which is going to air on Sony Sab very soon. The name is ‘Dil diyan Gallan’ and as the name suggests, it’s Punjab based story. So I am looking forward to it, playing a new character, getting into someone else’s shoes. I am super excited for it and also for my new music video which is going to be released soon.” Kaveri speaks about what she loves the most about acting and she said, “I love the way it takes you to different places, makes you meet a lot of different people and the way it helps you grow as a person and an artist. When you work with amazing people from different walks of life, you get to know more about life in general, about different people who exist in the society and with each character you get to be in someone else’s shoes. I believe an actor is someone who can live a thousand lives, which is something really attractive and I literally live to do this. I live to live different characters, different lives, visit new places, locations and meet new people and work with amazing directors and producers. So yes, that is what I feel life is, it should be exciting every day.” We asked her where does she see herself in the next 5 years in this ever-changing entertainment industry and she answered, “I know that this industry is ever-changing and I think nothing is permanent and change is the essence of life so I do not fear change, all I expect from myself is that I adapt to the change, adjust and keep entertaining people. In the coming 5 years I see myself as someone who knows all the tricks and trades of my field and then maybe later I can decide on what sort of work I want to do in the industry. I want to progress, that’s for sure.” Apart from being the character, she thinks, to look like the character is a challenging job. If the character is plumpy, extremely thin or ranky, it is something which takes a toll on your health because there is a limited amount of time in which an actor has to look a certain way and if not followed under proper guidance, it might hamper your health. She says that it’s not particularly tough but extremely challenging, and especially for her as she is a big foodie. But, as of now she hasn’t got the chance to completely transform herself and she does look forward to doing such roles in the future. Kaveri speaks candidly about the pressure in her work and what she does to tackle it, to which she simply said that she, personally, never really had to deal with any such thing. “If you enjoy doing something and can feel that it is meant for you then, that’s it. There is pressure in every other sector and I think that it is a part of work and it should be taken lightly. There is this constant thought that should be there in your mind that you are getting to do what you always wanted to, and so, it is a blessing. There are certain schedules you have to adjust yourself in but that is the fun and challenging part of it which makes it exciting.” About her journey and the obstacles, she tells us that, “Wherever I went to take acting classes, I was always told that I am gifted, which I didn’t understand at that time, but, slowly I got to know that some things are actually there within me but they need to be polished. To convert the talent into skills, the theatres and acting classes helped a lot. Talking about the journey, initially it was tough as you are exploring new things but once you cross that phase, get a break, get appreciated, gain the confidence then things become a little easier. Although competition is there, you have to be determined, focused, keep working on your craft and that is how one succeeds in any field. It has not exactly been a roller coaster ride but, I had my own challenges which I overcame. One of the challenges was that I was overweight for this industry but I decided I wanted to look good on camera and I made that transformation for my first show, from being a very plumpy to a very thin and lean girl. I won't call it an obstacle, but just a part of the job.” For our readers who may not be as familiar with her line of work, she says, “ Be it any industry, there are all sorts of people so, telling someone that this or that industry is not good, is baseless. Meeting, approaching and having the right circle of people around you is very important to achieve anything in life because there has got to be someone who shows you the path and the right direction. Maybe you will find it on your own or someone from your near and dear ones will guide you, but that direction is very important otherwise you might just be all over the place.” Be it any industry, move forward, stay focused, go in the right direction and make sure you meet the right people. SEARCH Karishma Kotak Playing Her Innings In Fashion, Sports And Fitness COVER STORIES Musings With Maryam Zolghadr COVER STORIES Madhura Naik talks about the Life of an Actress COVER STORIES Kavya Thapar And Her Versatile Acting Career That Cuts Across Regional Lines COVER STORIES Ahsaas Channa Talks About Her Mother Being The Inspiration Behind Her Career COVER STORIES POPULAR POSTS Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dialogues That Never Disappoint With Actor Saqib Ayub 4 April 2024 COVER STORIES by Anjali Educate, Empower, Excel: Priyanka Chahar Choudhary's Inspirational Overture 15 November 2023 COVER STORIES by Akshra Khandelwal Purab Kohli’s Cinematic Expedition Through Films, Travel And Self-Expression 22 September 2023 COVER STORIES by Aparajita Jaiswal Exploring The Path Of Aspiring Actors And Producers: Insights From Anil Singh Chandel 6 September 2023 COVER STORIES RELATED POSTS Advertisement

  • If you can dream it, you can achieve it – In conversation with Donal Bisht

    by Aadhya Venkatesh If you can dream it, you can achieve it – In conversation with Donal Bisht 21 August 2022 COVER STORIES Advertisement Advertisement As a big believer in dreaming big and working hard to achieve your dreams, Donal Bisht was a Journalist and Anchor who pursued her dream of acting and modelling. In college, her seniors pursuing film studies always called her to work in their short films and music videos. Despite being pushed towards being an actor, Donal believed she wanted to pursue the media industry and work as a journalist. She even established herself in the field with a four-year-long career but eventually realised that "the work did not make my heart happy and did not satisfy me". It was then that she dropped everything and came to Mumbai to pursue her passion for acting. "I really believe in destiny". She has been in the show business for five years and has only been climbing the ladder of success. Having started with TV shows, Donal did four years of back-to-back TV with shows like Ek Deewana Tha and Roop . She then realised that to achieve creative satisfaction, she had to do something different. "I did a South bilingual film in Kannada and Telugu. The shift, I would say creatively, is great when you do different things", she said. She never knew Telugu and didn't have any exposure to the language. But after multiple workshops and extra efforts on sets, she managed to get well versed in the dialogues and expressions. "I used to keep the first AD with me to do the lines thoroughly, in and out". She broke through the language barrier and had her proud moment when people asked her if she was a natural Telugu speaker. Now that her film is in the post-production stage, Donal is excited to see herself in the role. Once her film was on the verge of completion, she entered the Big Boss house and became one of the most respected contestants in her two weeks there. "People come to me and say they want to become like me and love my personality". Having done four back to back soap shows, she now wants to venture into the world of web shows, which she is doing through her MX player original Show, Zakhm. Zakhm is a "romantic thriller show where I play Kavya, a healer who heals people's wounds". She is excited about the release of the show. Donal is also a TEDx speaker and always urges her fans to dream. "Dreaming is very important. If you can dream, you can achieve". She says that once a person has an unrelenting dream that they strive to achieve, persistence will take them forward on their journey. Those who dream can achieve whatever they aspire to. The one mantra she follows in life is to leave no stone unturned. She believes that persistence is critical and that a person should never stop. "First try to fly. If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl, but you do the best". Running and Weight Lifting are her preferred modes of workout. She runs on the treadmill for 20 minutes a day and believes that fitness is what you eat, and one must take care of what suits them and what doesn't. Along with exercise, she also recommends her audiences watch their food intake and monitor what they eat because, more often than not, it is a particular fruit, vegetable, or seafood that causes allergies and bloating. "Observe your body and the way it reacts to food". Donal's favourite travel destination is her family home in Delhi, where she goes for all significant occasions. Other than that, one place she hopes to visit soon is Paris, which is her second favourite place. #donalbisht #coverstory #interview #fashion #actress SEARCH Karishma Kotak Playing Her Innings In Fashion, Sports And Fitness COVER STORIES Musings With Maryam Zolghadr COVER STORIES Madhura Naik talks about the Life of an Actress COVER STORIES Kavya Thapar And Her Versatile Acting Career That Cuts Across Regional Lines COVER STORIES Ahsaas Channa Talks About Her Mother Being The Inspiration Behind Her Career COVER STORIES POPULAR POSTS Advertisement By Anushka Sharma Dialogues That Never Disappoint With Actor Saqib Ayub 4 April 2024 COVER STORIES by Anjali Educate, Empower, Excel: Priyanka Chahar Choudhary's Inspirational Overture 15 November 2023 COVER STORIES by Akshra Khandelwal Purab Kohli’s Cinematic Expedition Through Films, Travel And Self-Expression 22 September 2023 COVER STORIES by Aparajita Jaiswal Exploring The Path Of Aspiring Actors And Producers: Insights From Anil Singh Chandel 6 September 2023 COVER STORIES RELATED POSTS Advertisement

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